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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tough and Tired

Today's ride started early, and it's a good thing. It seemed I was climbing and fighting a headwind from the get go. I just couldn't seem to get any speed. Finally I got outside of Santa Maria and settled into a rhythm. Then it got tougher. There were a series of difficult climbs going south on 135 and CA 1 all the way to Vandenberg AFB. At that point I thought I had only a few more miles to Lompoc, but the climbing wasn't through. I was so thankful to see the Starbucks in Lompoc and stop for a coffee and a doughnut.

After leaving Lompoc, the climbng resumed and the temperature rose. I took off my jacket and tights, but it didn't make the climbing any easier, nor did the rough "chip seal" pavement. Finally, I crested the coastal range and had a fun two mile descent down to the coast. Here's a profile of the complete ride. You can see the climbing that I did.

The rest of the ride on 101 into Santa Barbara was much easier and I was thankful for that. When I saw this sign I couldn't resist stopping for a picture. I also needed some more "Chamois Butt'r", something that I've found to be an absolute necessity when touring.

Somewhere along the line, I saw one of many "Adopt a Highway" signs with the name of the organization keeping that section of the road clean. It was the "Crucified Life Church". I liked that name. Not many of us think of putting the words "crucified" and "life" together, but they should be. Jesus told us that if we want to follow him we have to take up our cross daily. The cross is an instrument of death, and when we daily die to self, to our sinful nature, and to the flesh, then we can truly live in Christ and for Christ. I don't think riding my bike 78 miles is really "crucifying" myself, but the discipline of making my body to hard, even painful things when I'm tired and don't really want to go on is valuable. It makes it easier to pursue the crucified life that will glorify Christ. I'm glad I saw that sign. The name of that church helped me hang tough even though I was tired and really wanted to quit. Pray that Christ will help you live the crucified life for him!

Incidentally, I'm the one who's supposed to be in harm's way each day on the bike, but last night Diana fell and hit her head in the guest room at Tom and Janet's house. She was initially in a lot of pain, and slightly confused so Janet insisted that she go to the ER. Just as a percaution they did a CT scan. Thankfully, everything was Okay, and DIana is feeling better today. Thank you for your prayers for safety for both of us. I'm sure God's holy angels protected her from serious injury because you were faithful in prayer.

Tommorrow's ride is the last long one, about 85 miles into Santa Monica (LA area). Please pray for strength and safety. God bless and keep you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear of Diana's accident and hope there are no lingering effects. I can see how God is opening your mind's eye to new visions of faith. And we here at home are seeing our fellow members in new visions also. It has really been inspiring to see what messages God has had for us even though we miss you greatly. Belva