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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Backside Blues and Rising Redwoods

Today's ride started with an adjustment on my rear derailleur at a bikeshop in Arcata, CA. I wish I could have had my own rear end adjusted, because that's what ended my ride early today. The backside got so sore that I just couldn't go on. The legs weren't strong enough to stand and pedal the whole way, and the seat wasn't tough enough to take it anymore. I met Diana in "The Victorian Village of Ferndale" after only 32 miles of pedaling, and we toured this quaint little town, did some shopping and had a nice lunch. This is just one example of the great victorian homes and shops.

After leaving Ferndale we stopped at a bike shop in Fortuna, where I bought a Specialzed "Expedition" touring saddle with suspension. We'll find out tomorrow whether it was worth the investment. From there we toured "The Avenue of the Giants." Diana found a poem called "The Redwoods" by Joseph B. Strauss. This is an excerpt.

Here, sown by the Creator's Hand,
In serried ranks, the redwoods stand;
No other clime is honored so,
No other lands their glory know...
To be like these, straight, true and fine,
To make our world, like their, a shrine,
Sink down, Oh, traveler, on your knees,
God stands before you in these trees.

I was reminded of Psalm 104: Praise the Lord, O my soul, O Lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty... The trees of the Lord are well watered, the cedars of Lebanon that he planted. How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all."(vv. 1, 16 & 24a). If the Psalmist could have visited here I'm sure he would have written about the Redwoods of Humboldt County. The pictures don't do them justice!

Tomorrow we continue our journey through the redwoods, then head down to the coast. It should be a VERY CHALLENGING ride, based on the shape of the roads on the map. Lots of curves and switchbacks. I understand the descent from Leggett to the coast on Highway 1 is amazing. Here's a map of tomorrows's ride.

Special prayers for safety on the winding roads tomorrow will be appreciated. God bless all of you.


Anonymous said...

Hello PB and Diana!

Tom and Tommy and I are praying daily for you and thinking of you while on the bike trip! (As are SO many at OSLC)

The blog is great! Hope your "backside blues" get better...ouch! I have great admiration for you...I can barely do 10 miles without experiencing "backside blues"!! Wow.

Enjoy the gorgeous scenery our Lord has made, and stay safe, both of you! We pray for your safety and health.

Cheers and blessings,

Gracie (& the Toms) :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor Bob!

I see from your blog that you are getting close to my neck of the woods! (Eric, Emma, and I live about 30-40 minutes inland from the Sonoma Coast - Jenner/Bodega Bay area.) You should be hitting that today or tomorrow!

If I didn't have a Kids Carnival that I'm in charge of at our church tomorrow (ugh), I would come hold a sign up along the road cheering you on...

I hope all continues to go well on your trip! We are enjoying your blogging, and praying for you daily!

Jill (Dahlheimer) Allen
