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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pass It On

Parents and grandparents frequently make a concerted effort to pass on their love for some certain endeavor to their children and grandchildren. Look how many sporting stars have had children excel in their chosen sport, for instance, Ken Griffey Jr. Look how many politicians have had children follow in their political footsteps, like the Bush family.

I must confess, that I'm doing the same thing, or at least trying. I love to ride my bike, and I've been pulling my grandson in a trailer behind my bike since he was six months old. When he got too big for the trailer, I bought a "trailer bike" that attaches to the seat post of my bike so that I can pull him behind me while he holds the handlebars and pedals along. Now, I'm trying to teach him to ride a two-wheeler of his own without training wheels, and unfortunately, without much success. I thought my love for cycling would be translated to him, but he seems more afraid of falling, than excited about riding. More and more it looks like Elijah may be a runner, not a cyclist. Well, there's always hope... maybe Seth my younger grandson will fall in love with the bike.

Much more important, however, than passing on our love of sports or our career, is passing on the faith. Paul writes in 2 Timothy 1:5: "I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also." Timothy was blessed to have a believing mother and grandmother, who passed along their faith to him. Because of this he was ready to be mentored by Paul, who became a spiritual father to him. As a result Timothy, although young, was able to pastor the churches in Ephesus and provide excellent leadership for them.

Even more than I want to see my grandson become a cyclist, I want him to be a believer. That's why I regularly read to him from the Bible, talk about my faith with him, tell him Jesus stories at bedtime, listen to Christian music in the car on the way to school, pray with him, and sit in worship with him at church. My hope and prayer is that through all these things I will be able to influence his young heart to love the Lord. I am grateful that the mothers of both my grandsons share my faith too and are also seeking to influence them for the Lord.

It would be great if Elijah or Seth would go on to win the Tour de France. But it would be even greater if they would go on the become "fishers of men" who are used by God to bring others to salvation, like Timothy was. So when you think about the things you want to pass on to your children and grandchildren, begin with your faith.

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