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Monday, May 10, 2010

The "Appearance" of Design

In 2007 I received as a gift one of the first "new generation" Trek Madone bicycles ever produced. Just as auto companies every few years will scrap the old paradigm and start from scratch to create a better car, Tred did the same thing with the Madone. Now my bike is 2 1/2 years old and the new Madones are better yet. The technology has improved and the bicycle has "evolved" into an even better racing bike than the one I ride.

I intentionally used the word "evolved" because of what Paul has to say about creation in Romans 1:18-19: "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them." The truth is that the scientific establishment today is doing exactly what Paul prophesied they would do almost 2000 years ago.

Scientists like Richard Dawkins deny the obvious and suppress the truth in order to promote Darwinian Evolution. Yet even while denying the truth, they unwittingly confess it. In his book The Blind Watchmaker Dawkins wrote: “Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.” They give that appearance because they were, in fact, designed for a purpose by God. But Dawkins wants to suppress that fact.

In his book, Evolution and the Myth of Creationism, biologist Tim Berra used different models of Corvettes to show how evolutionary biologists could use similarities among organisms to construct an evolutionary "family tree." What he unwittingly demonstrated, however, was that designed objects could also be forced into an "evolutionary tree." So much for evidence of evolution.

All the true evidence of creation points to our eternal God whose divine nature is clearly revealed in everything he has created, especially life. That's why philosopher of science Steven Meyer called the complex, specified, functional information encoded in the neucleus God's "Signature in the Cell." God wants those of us who know him and can see his signature in his handiwork to stand up for the truth that so many try to suppress.

Yes, the Trek Madone has "evolved" over the years, but only under the guiding hand of intelligent designers who have constantly sought to improve this sophisticated racing machine. So also life may have "evolved" over the years from the initial kinds of animals that God created, but only under His sovereign hand, and only within the limits He has placed upon it.

The best part of understanding the truth that Paul said so many try to suppress, is knowing that we are not purposeless accidents of nature, random clumps of molecules with no more meaning, purpose or value than a rock. We are created in the image of God, designed for his glory, and able to experience his love and blessing. That gives you and me tremendous value and meaning. So let's fulfill our purpose and boldly proclaim the truth many seek to suppress: God is our Creator and our Redeemer. All glory be to God alone!

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