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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Lucky Break?

"I must have done something right." The thought crossed my mind the other day as I rode my bike to Bike World to have the gears adjusted. I was trying to navigate my way across four lanes of traffic in the frontage road on 1604 to get to the turnaround, and the situation was complicated by more cars exiting the freeway. But just as I turned around to check traffic a huge window opened up and I was able to safely ride all the way across without dodging a single vehicle.

Have you ever had a thought like that? Maybe you got the first parking spot in the lot in front of Target. Maybe you opened your mail to find an unexpected check for a rebate or refund. Maybe you found the last great looking blue shirt in your size on the 60% off rack at Penney's. "I must have done something right."

It amazes me how easily we can attribute good fortune to our own goodness. It also amazes me how much we can complain whenever some kind of trouble comes our way. "What did I do to deserve this?", we ask. And, "Why me?", we lament. Truth be told, what should amaze us is why we have so many good days, considering the sin we are guilty of committing each and every day. It should amaze us that we don't experience anything but discipline, considering our need for it.

So why does God show us so much kindness? Why is He so good to us? First, because that's his nature. God is love, and it's a part of who He is to show us His love. But there's another good reason that Paul brings out in Romans 2:4: "Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?"

Have you ever thought of God's kindness in that way? Rather than thinking "I must have done something right" when good things happen, maybe we should ask, "What do you want me to repent of, Lord?" God shows us kindness so that being drawn to Him by His love and mercy, we will turn from our sins and receive His grace. So the next time you catch that green light when you're running late for work, don't think, "I must have done something right", say "Lord, thanks for your kindness. What do you want me to turn away from so that I can experience more of your love?"

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