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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

People to be thankful for?

"We give thanks to God always for all of you." 1 Thessalonians 1:2

It's the day before Thanksgiving, and of all the things I am thankful for, that for which I am most thankful is people. Most of all, I am thankful for my family, those dear people God has knit me together with most closely, my wife, my children, and my grandchildren. But there are many, many other people for whom I am thankful.

Paul's words, however, are amazing if you think about them. Two words jumped out at me as I read this verse, "always" and "all". I recognize that these may not have been literal expressions, but knowing Paul, I wouldn't be surprised if they were. Paul says "We give thanks to God always for all of you." I was forced to ask myself, "Am I always thankful for all the people in my life?" What about the person who cuts me off in traffic? What about the fast food worker who messes up my order? What about the in-law coming for Thanksgiving dinner who always, always has to be "right" about everything? I've been reading "Tour de France, Tour de Force" lately and one of the competitors even talked about how thankful he was for the competition, the other competitors who rode so hard that it forced him to ride even harder.

Upon rereading Paul's words I noticed that he didn't say, "We are always thankful for all of you." He said "We always give thanks for all of you." There's a difference. I'm sure that my family is not always thankful for me, especially when I'm being selfish or I lose my temper. But they can always give thanks for me. And when I give thanks to God for another person, it will improve my attitude toward that person, even if I am not thankful for them at the moment.

As I look back on my life I am thankful for so many people. I am thankful for my godly mother who loved me and all five of her children unconditionally. I am thankful for my grandfather, who loved God and his family dearly. I am thankful for my wife, the most tenderhearted and sensitive person I have ever met.

But even when I look at the people in my life who have caused me pain or let me down, I can give thanks. I can give thanks for the things I learned from them, if only by negative example. I can give thanks for the ways I grew as a result of their hurt or disappointment in my life. I can give thanks for the privilege of forgiving them, even as I have been forgiven by God.

Perhaps you can take some time today or tomorrow and make a list of the people in your life, both past and present. Maybe it can take a form something like this, "I give thanks to God for [name] because..." I'm guessing that when you're done your heart will be overflowing with gratitude and your attitude towards some of those people will be just a litte bit better. Happy Thanksgiving!

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