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Sunday, June 3, 2018

The Counsel of the Holy

While on my bike this morning I was thinking what it would be like to have been inside the colloquy of the
Godhead before creation began.

Father: It’s wonderful to share this love we have among ourselves, but wouldn’t it be even more wonderful to share it with many others?

Son: You mean create being like us, in our image, to share our love with.

Father: Yes. 

Son: There’s just one problem. For them to freely love us they would have to be sovereign like us, which means they could also choose to rebel against us and despise us.

Spirit: And once they understood that they could choose their own will over our will, pride would make them want to be like God.

Father: Yes I understand that, but I think it would be worth the cost to be able to share infinitely more love than we share within ourselves right now.

Son: The cost would be tremendous.  Once they rebelled against us, they would never be able to restore our fellowship on their own.  We would have to do that for them.

Father: Yes, we will have to.  Are you willing, Son?

Son: Father, you know that I am.  If I become one of them and live in perfect harmony with us, then I can make the perfect sacrifice for their sins.

Spirit:  But what a sacrifice that will be!  Are you sure you want to do that?

Son: In order to share our love with billions of more people, yes I am.

Spirit: It’s wonderful that we have no rebellion or disharmony among ourselves.

Father: That’s because it’s impossible.  We are of one substance.  Even though there are three of us, there is only one of us.

Spirit:  And that will forever remain a mystery to those we create in our image.

Father: Impossible for them to comprehend.

Son: Just as it will be impossible for them to comprehend how I will be both fully divine and fully human at the same time.

Father: Another mystery.

Son:  But we must do more than redeem them.  Once I have atoned for their sins and credited my perfect righteousness to them by faith, we will have to transform them to become like me.

Spirit: That’s where I come in.  You will go and become one of them and live among them to redeem them.  I will live within them to transform their hearts and minds so that they will become holy.

Father:  That won’t be an easy task.  Sin will cling to them as long as they live, once they have tasted the pride of rebellion. 

Son: That’s why my death for their sins will not be the end.  I will rise again from the dead so that they too may live again, after they have died for their sins.

Spirit: So that even though they die, they will live forever with us.

Father: Yes, in perfect unity and harmony forever.  They will share our glory.

Son: That sounds like a plan.  Where should we start?

Father:  They’re going to need a place to live, a place that reflects our glory.  Let us make a spectacular universe that will declare the power, wisdom and glory we have to every one of them.

Son:  And let’s make them in a wonderful fashion, in such a fantastic manner that they will see our glory everywhere in their own beings.  It will be amazing when they discover the secret code written in their cells to give them life.

Spirit:  It will be just as amazing for them to realize that they are more than just physical beings, that they have a soul, a spirit so that they can share in our love.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Let us begin.  Let there be light…

I’m sure it was nothing like that, but that’s the best my puny mind can imagine about our glorious, holy, Triune God.  I’m just glad they had that conversation somewhere in eternity, because otherwise, I wouldn’t be here.

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