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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Supernatural Information

Yesterday I spent much of the morning watching a debate between Bill Nye (“The Science Guy”) and Ken Ham (of Answers in Genesis).  Beforehand the debate was billed as being about creation versus evolution.  Sadly, the whole debate ultimately missed the point. 

Most of the debate between these two men related to the age of the earth/universe.  Ken Ham argued repeatedly for a young earth, approximately 6000 years old, while Bill Nye offered many different arguments about why such a young date for the age of the earth was scientifically untenable, and that holding to such a position would hold back science.  Ken Ham argued that the authority of Scripture as the inspired Word of God demands a young earth creationist point of view. 

The fact is that there are many Christians who uphold the authority of Scripture as the inspired Word of God, and who accept the idea that God created the earth/universe, as well as living things according to their "kinds," but who do not believe in a young earth/universe.  John Lennox and Hugh Ross would be two examples.  In his book Seven Days that Divide the World John Lennox argues: “It is Scripture that has the final authority, not our understanding of it.” 

While I believe that it is possible to interpret both Scripture and the scientific data as pointing to a young earth creation, I don’t believe it is absolutely essential to do so.  It is just as possible to interpret both Scripture and the scientific data as pointing to an ancient earth/universe, which was created by God.  There is more than one way to interpret the scientific data that we observe.  There is more than one way to interpret what Scripture has to say about creation and the age of the earth/universe.  Reasonable, Bible-believing Christians can differ and have differed about these issues. 

There is a different issue that Ken Ham touched on in yesterday’s debate that I wish would have consumed the full attention of both debaters.  That is the issue of scientific naturalism, the belief that there is no possibility of the existence of anything supernatural.  While Ken Ham brought this issue up, he allowed himself to be completely sidetracked by Bill Nye’s attacks on the age of the earth.  As a result, this issue was never addressed by Mr. Nye.

I am convinced that it is possible to prove that the supernatural exists, because information is "supernatural," in that it is not material or physical. Those who deny the supernatural, and claim that everything is only material or natural ignore the supernatural aspect of information.  All information (including conscious thought or mind, as well as natural law which is discovered through observation, but which, nevertheless, is not material or physical) exists beyond the physical realm in which we live.  While information can be transmitted by physical or material means, it is not dependent upon those means of transmission for its existence or function.  Many different kinds of physical means can be used to transmit the exact same information.  The human genome can be encoded in DNA, on a CD ROM, or in printed form on paper with ink.  It represents exactly the same information. 

To claim that information, thought, mind, will, or even natural law (such as the laws of physics) must have a "natural" or "material" cause is absurd.  Mind, thought, information and knowledge must originate from a supernatural source, since they are not material or physical, but immaterial and thus, supernatural.  This reality is, I believe, the strongest argument against a purely material or physical universe to be found outside of Scripture.  Those who would argue that the material universe, the “cosmos” is all there is must deny the existence of information, since information is not material. 

We know from everyday experience that information always has its source in the mind of a conscious agent.  Information never arises spontaneously from a purely material or inanimate object.  When God created the universe, He did so to reveal His glory.  His wisdom and power are written not only the physical wonders of the universe such as galaxies and stars, but also in the laws that govern nature and the information that makes life possible.  This supernatural aspect of creation reveals the Supernatural source of all creation, God Himself. 

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