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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Presidential Courage and Hypocrisy

In 1983 Ronald Reagan became the only U.S. President to author a book published while he was in office.  What was the title of President Reagan’s book?  It was titled Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation.  Yes, while in office and running for re-election Reagan took a stand for the sanctity of life. 

What a stark contrast to the events of April 26th, when President Obama became the first sitting president to speak at the National Planned Parenthood Conference. Not only did Obama speak at this event, but during the course of his remarks he even invoked God's blessing upon the very people who are involved in the death of more innocent unborn children than any other organization in human history! No other president has had the arrogance to openly endorse the slaughter of innocents.

What a shock it was then, when speaking today at a National Day of Prayer event President Obama had the audacity to speak the following words: "Regardless of religion or creed, Americans reflect on the sacredness of life and express their sympathy for the wounded, offering comfort and holding up a light in an hour of darkness."  No, he was not speaking about women or children killed or wounded by abortion, like the victims of Kermit Gosnell on trial for murder in Philadelphia.  Obama was referring to the Boston Marathon Bombing.  Nevertheless, his hypocrisy should make us cringe!  How dare he speak of the “sacredness of life” in light of his wholehearted endorsement of Planned Parenthood?!  Where is the outrage?

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